Feature and Function 
Floor/Table Management
Floor/Table Management
- Customizable buttons in floor plan
- Unlimited user-defined table types
- Unlimited floors per shop
- Status-sensitive floor plan
- Minimum charge per table
- Split/combine/move table
- Service request alert
- Table timer
Queue Management
Queue Management
- Unlimited user-defined advertisements in kiosk
- Support queue kiosk
- Support order in queue
- SMS queue status alert
F&B Order Management
F&B Order Management
- Customizable buttons in POS UI
- Minimum charge per guest
- Support unlimited table transfer after order
- Support item change / cancel after order
- Support limited-time buffet mode
- Same order can be edited in multiple POS terminals
- Support redo / quick serve / takeaway
- Support partial / fund refund
- Advanced security control on extra discount, refund etc.
Menu Management
Menu Management
- Support modifier
- Support set menu (select X from Y)
- Intelligent mix & match
Kitchen Management
Kitchen Management
- Support central kitchen
- Support unlimited kitchens per shop
- Kitchen ticket (order / cancel / redo / quick serve)
- Kitchen Kanban
CRM / Membership
- Unlimited member type
- Member portal
- Birthday promotion
- Shop promotion
- Festival/Season promotion
- Limited time promotion
- User-defined case-sensitive EDM
- Unlimited pre-scheduled EDM
Store Value
Store Value
- Coupon
- Redemption
- Store value card
- Support top-up
Payment Solution
Payment Solution
- Visa/MasterCard
- Octopus
- Alipay
- AlipayHK
- WeChat Pay
Business Intelligence
Business Intelligence
- Real-time reporting
- Food delivery analysis
- Order cancellation analysis
- Promotion analysis
- Payment analysis
- Product sales analysis
- Shop / Time zone analysis
- Table-based F&B POS analysis
- Member demographic analysis
Real-time e-Shop Integration
Real-time e-Shop Integration
- Amazon
- eBay
- JD
- Magento
- Shopify
- Taobao
- TMall
- WooCommerce
Real-time ERP Integration
Real-time ERP Integration
- Procurement
- Inventory System
- Recipe Management
- Corporate Accounting (Support Consolidation)